
Transferring Product in Metrc (Last Updated 09/05/2024)

Compliance Bulletins

Compliance Education Bulletin CE2021-02
Bulletin CE2021-02 covers the following issues:

  • Recording Average Harvest Weights in Metrc
  • Virtual Transfer Request Form (replaces information from Bulletin CE2020-02)

Compliance Education Bulletin CE2020-02
Bulletin CE2020-02 covers the following issues:

  • Transfer Rule and Common Mistakes
  • Virtual Transfer Guidance (updated information in Bulletin CE2021-02)
  • Rejecting Transfers Guidance
  • Stuck’ Manifest Guidance
  • CSV Upload for Packages on a Manifest

Transfer Types

When completing a manifest, you will be required to choose what type of transfer it is in Metrc.
There are two types of transfers:

  • Transfer: Used between facilities that are under the same ownership structure, where no money is exchanging hands or to send a shipment consisting only of trade samples
  • Wholesale Transfer: Used between unrelated facilities, where money is being exchanged for the product. If a manifest contains a mix of priced items and trade samples, you may enter the trade samples on the "wholesale transfer" manifest using a price of $0.01 in order to avoid creating an additional manifest.

Transfer Requirements

All transfers require that the product be put in a container with an assigned Metrc package tag prior to transport.

Manifest Requirements: All passengers must have a valid marijuana worker permit, and be listed on the manifest, per OAR 845-025-7700 and OAR 845-025-5500.

Manifest Transporter Information

Based on feedback from our proactive Metrc data reviews, this section walks through how to select the correct transporter license for the driver when creating the manifest in Metrc.
Begin in the Licensed Transfers section of Metrc. Select the “new transfer” button and choose the transfer type (Wholesale was used for this example):

The first screen option to select is the Transporter License. This field defaults to the facility creating the transfer, but should be updated if needed to reflect the license that is physically transporting the product.

By hovering over the magnifying lens you can verify the transporter details:

To select a different license you can start typing the license number:

Or you can click the magnifying lens to select your choice from a list of licenses then clicking “select” to return to the manifest.

Once back on the manifest page, fill in the associated driver and vehicle information, then complete the remaining steps needed to register your manifest:

To ensure that your driver and transporter are correct, you can verify them on the Licensed Transfer summary screen and make any needed edits prior to the driver leaving the facility:

Manifest Business Contact Information

The manifest contains certain pre-populated information for the originating licensee including:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Contact Phone Number

This information comes directly from the Facility Manager area of our Online Licensing System and cannot be edited directly in Metrc. To make changes to this area, please contact Licensing.

Intermediary Stops/Cold Calling

Please refer to Bulletin CE-2020-21, Implementation of 2019 Legislative Changes and Technical Rule Amendments for details.

In January of 2020, the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission adopted changes to Oregon Administrative Rules Chapter 845, Division 25. These include general clarifications and changes regarding how recreational marijuana licensees should generate manifests in CTS. These changes also specifically address how licensees must generate manifests with respect to the practice of “cold calling” or “hopscotching” product from one location to multiple destinations.

This refers to the practice of a licensee or representative leaving a facility with several different packages of marijuana items that they are planning to take to several different licensees as potential buyers who may wish to purchase the product.
This guide details how cold calling to intermediary stops must be done to remain in compliance with OLCC rules. To remain compliant, licensees may only undertake the activities described in this guide if:
• The “route” as recorded on the manifest in CTS includes the trade name, license number, address, and estimated arrival time for each licensed premises that will be visited as an intermediary stop;
• The amount of marijuana in the vehicle is no greater than:
o 25 pounds of usable marijuana;
o 1 pound of concentrate or extract; and
o 1,000 units of any individual cannabinoid product;
• All marijuana items are delivered to licensees or returned to the originating location within 60 hours of departure from the originating licensee; and
• All overnight stops are identified in the manifest route.
Cold calling to intermediary stops is done by a licensee creating a “circular manifest” to themselves, in which the same license number is both the originating and receiving license. The licensee will fill in the planned route information on the manifest with the complete route including directions and each licensed premises that is intended to be stopped at during the trip.

For more information on "hopscotching" or cold calling with a manifest, please view the Intermediary Stop Transfer Guide .

Advance Notice

Certain deliveries must be planned and recorded in Metrc 24 hours prior to being transferred to a Retail Licensee. These items are outlined in OAR 845-025-7700 (4).

Receiving a Transfer in Metrc

In order for a transfer to be completed, it must first be Received in the CTS by the destination license or the inventory will not reconcile between facilities. At the time a transfer is delivered, the receiving entity may opt to reject any package on the manifest. There are a few methods available to the user in Metrc when accepting or rejecting packages. The screen shots below attempt to cover the options and potential pitfalls associated with the types of actions. As usual, it is important to pay attention to the details when accepting or rejecting items on a manifest in order to avoid the need for a virtual transfer or package adjustment at a later time, both of which are potential flagged items for additional compliance review.

Once the Receive button is clicked, the following screen opens and if everything is good to go, the receiver can just click the Receive Transfer button at the bottom and all packages will transfer to the receiver's inventory.

If a package needs to be rejected, it is imperative that the reject box is clicked. You will know this step has been completed when the reason for rejection area opens.
If this area does not appear and you click Receive transfer the manifest will be received and not rejected.

You can reject every package on the manifest using the template (green check) option. First, click the reject checkbox, then click the green check to select every package on the manifest for rejection as shown in the example below.

External Transfers

Producers - Seed inventory from an unlicensed Oregon Location

This is new for 2022 and additional information on how to navigate this type of external transfer can be found here.

Initial Start-Up Inventory

As a producer there are two types of “start-up inventory” you are allowed to have:

Medical Grow Site Transfers

All transfers to and from patients at a medical grow site are done in Metrc through an external transfer. To bring plants into Metrc for a patient a Medical grow site would use the incoming external transfer type "Transfer from Medical Patient", input the patient's Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) Card number and the number of plants they are growing for that patient. To send the usable Marijuana to the medical patient a grower would use the outgoing transfer type "Transfer to Medical Patient", input the patient's OMMP Card number and add the package of flower to the transfer.

Transfers to and from medical grow sites that involve any patient information should be kept anonymous and confidential. For that purpose the names, phone numbers, and planned route should be kept to something generic, with no personal identifiable information appearing on the transfer manifest. This is to protect the patient's privacy as well as the privacy of the medical grow site.

Transfers from Medical Grow Sites into Recreational Market

Medical marijuana grow sites that are subject to tracking in METRC are allowed to transfer limited amounts of usable marijuana to recreational marijuana Processor or Wholesaler licensees. A medical marijuana grow site must register for this privilege and be approved by the OLCC prior to making any of these transfers. The registration form can be found under the Marijuana Product Transfer page. For the specific law see ORS 475B.825.

Grow Site Transfer Information
Personal Inventory Transfer Agreement
Registration for Medical Grow Site Transfers to Recreational Processors and Wholesalers
PRMG Information Disclosure

More complete information on these types of transfers can be found in Compliance Education Bulletin CE2018-08 published November 8, 2018.

Virtual Transfers

Updated Metrc guidance regarding transfers that were accidentally rejected in Metrc, but physically accepted by the receiving license listed on the manifest:
Effective December 6th, 2023, a License should no longer accept the return of rejected packages that were physically delivered as listed on the manifest (accidental rejection). Functionality has been enabled to allow licenses to "unreject" a manifest that was rejected in error. Instructions on how to complete this process are available here. Any questions should be directed to the CTS team.

The OLCC CTS Team facilitates virtual transfers on your behalf.
The process below should be followed in lieu of creating a virtual manifest within Metrc. A virtual transfer created in CTS without written pre-approval may result in a compliance action.

The use of virtual transfers are limited and require OLCC approval. The use of virtual transfers does not substitute for a licensee’s due diligence in reporting information into CTS accurately. Virtual transfers are approved by the OLCC when one licensee has a package physically while another licensee has control of the package in Metrc. Virtual transfers are not approved when product or tags need to physically change locations. Virtual transfers do not correct product categories.

Transfers between businesses located on the same premises should not be recorded as virtual transfers and do not require pre-approval. However, transfers between licenses sharing the same location must be recorded and tracked in CTS as required by rule. We recommend that co-located facilities use “co-located handoff” or “transfer within same building” or similar wording rather than “virtual” on their manifests. Using "virtual" will flag manifests for review by compliance staff. These types of transfers still require a responsible employee to transfer the product. This person should be entered into the driver area on the manifest in Metrc to include their full name and worker permit number.

Complete the request form below or click here to open it in a new tab.

Virtual Transfers are not approved when product or tags need to change locations.
A Metrc ticket number must be obtained before submitting your request. Please visit to request a case (formerly ticket) number.
Please submit one request per impacted manifest and per destination (one request = one case number).
Licenses, including labs, with test sampling issues should NOT use this form and should instead reach out to the CTS team.
Only click submit once.

Related Compliance Bulletins:

Compliance Education Bulletin CE2020-02
Bulletin CE2020-02 covers the following issues:
o Transfer Rule and Common Mistakes
o Virtual Transfer Guidance
o Rejecting Transfers Guidance
o Stuck’ Manifest Guidance
o CSV Upload for Packages on a Manifest

Compliance Education Bulletin CE2018-01
Metrc functionality enhancements
o Viewing item information prior to receipt of transfer; and
o External Transfers

Compliance Education Bulletin CE2017-13
o Marijuana Product Transfers

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