<!-- TITLE: Item Categorization --> <!-- SUBTITLE: A guide for Item Categorization in Metrc (Last Updated 03/30/2023) --> # Item Categorization Table In Metrc, item categorization is important for ensuring compliance with the various laws, rules and regulations in place for marijuana. The chart below outlines the different definitions for various items in METRC and how to classify your items based on these definitions. For additional information on product and tax categorization in METRC, please visit the <a href='https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Pages/OLCCCTS.aspx' target='_blank'>OLCC's Website</a> or the <a href='https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/CTS/ProductCategorizationGuide.pdf' target='_blank'>Product and Tax Categorization Guide</a>. # Other Cannabinoid Product <div style="text-align: center"><img src=/uploads/categorization/OCP-3.jpg width ="1000" /></div> # Pre-roll Types (Marijuana Only) There are two types of pre-rolls: those that are still classified as usable marijuana and those that are classified as a cannabinoid product. * Usable marijuana pre-rolls are bud and/or shake rolled in plain paper, optionally with a filter or cone. These types of pre-rolls may be created by producers, wholesalers, and retailers. They **may not** be created or transferred out by processors. * Cannabinoid product pre-rolls are bud and/or shake combined with one or more of the following: flavored paper, extract (e.g. "twax joint"), or concentrate (e.g. kief). These types of pre-rolls may only be created by processors with the requisite endorsement. They **may not** be created by producers, wholesalers, or retailers. ## Pre-Rolls and Net Weight Like all items sold to consumers, the net weight on the label must represent the full weight of the item the consumer is purchasing. Per <a href= 'https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/view.action?ruleNumber=845-025-7000' target='_blank'>845-025-7000 (40)</a>, "Net weight" means the gross weight minus the tare weight of the packaging expressed as ounces and grams or milligrams. “Net weight” as applied to pre-rolled marijuana includes the dried marijuana leaves and flowers, the rolling paper, and the filter or tip. **However, for the purposes of infused pre-rolls, the net weight does not include the filter or tip. See <a href= 'https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/Bulletins/CE2023-01-Pre-Roll-Testing-Guidance.pdf' target='_blank'>**Compliance Bulletin CE2023-01**</a> for more information.** ## Pre-Rolls in Metrc *(Marijuana Only)* Metrc functionality includes **two** “each” items for pre-rolls: one for ***“plain” (non-infused) pre-rolls (usable marijuana with unflavored paper, filter, and/or tip)*** and one for ***“infused” pre-rolls (usable marijuana combined with flavored paper and/or concentrate or extract such as kief).*** ***For plain pre-rolls:*** Licensed Recreational Producers, Wholesalers, and Retailers may make non-infused pre-rolls under their license privileges and should use the product category of “Non-Infused Pre-Rolls” in Metrc. Items in this category are created as count-based (“each”) items. When creating the items in Metrc you will be prompted to enter two additional values: * Weight per unit: this is the ***full net weight*** of the pre-roll and must include the weight of the usable marijuana plus the weight of the rolling paper, filter, tip, cone, etc. This is one of the required weights on the label for sale to a consumer per <a href= 'https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/viewSingleRule.action?ruleVrsnRsn=246295' target='_blank'>OLCC’s rules on labeling of usable marijuana pre-rolls</a>. * Weight of usable marijuana per unit: In Metrc this field will be called “Unit THC Content”; ***the weight in this field should be the weight of the usable marijuana in the pre-roll***. The weight would be the full net weight of the pre-roll ***minus*** the weight of the rolling paper, filter, tip, cone, etc. This is the second required weight on the label for sale to a consumer per the <a href= 'https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/viewSingleRule.action?ruleVrsnRsn=246295' target='_blank'>OLCC’s rules on labeling of usable marijuana pre-rolls</a>. <div style="text-align: center"><img src=/uploads/categorization/pre-roll-3.png width ="800" /></div> ><div style="text-align: center">If you discover that an incorrect THC weight or total weight is entered during item setup, the item should be edited, NOT discontinued.</br>Weight edits will flow to any "child" packages, however, discontinued items require a repack by each facility with packaged inventory! </div> Any package you create of a *non-infused pre-roll item* will appear in Metrc as “each” and the weight per unit and weight of usable marijuana per unit created for the item will be associated with the package. For additional assistance, a step-by-step sheet is available for guidance on creating your new <a href= 'uploads/noninfused-conversion.pdf' target='_blank'>Non-Infused Pre-Roll</a> inventory item and repackaging it in Metrc. **For infused pre-rolls:** Only Licensed Recreational Processors may make infused pre-rolls. Infused pre-rolls are *“other cannabinoid products”* and are a combination of usable marijuana with one or more items or substances that are not unflavored rolling papers or filters/tips. Examples of infused pre-rolls include but are not limited to: • Usable Marijuana rolled in flavored paper; • **“Twax joint”** that combines usable marijuana with an extract; • **“Kiefed joint”** that combines usable marijuana with kief; and • Pre-roll that includes both kief and oil (extract). Under the product category of **“Infused Pre-Rolls”** in Metrc, items in this category are created as count-based (“each”) items. When creating the items in Metrc you will be prompted to enter the Unit Weight of the pre-roll, which is the full net weight of the item. This is the weight required to be on the label for sale to a consumer per the <a href= 'https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/viewSingleRule.action?ruleVrsnRsn=246301' target='_blank'>OLCC’s rules on labeling of other cannabinoid products</a>. **If the lab that tested the infused pre-roll did not include the filter or tip in the test, then the Unit Weight in Metrc would not include the filter or tip. See <a href= 'https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/Bulletins/CE2023-01-Pre-Roll-Testing-Guidance.pdf' target='_blank'>**Compliance Bulletin CE2023-01**</a> for more information.** Unlike “plain” (non-infused) pre-rolls, infused pre-rolls only require a single net weight of the item on the label. The weight of the usable marijuana in an infused pre-roll is not required to be included on the label of an infused pre-roll. Please refer to the OLCC’s <a href= 'https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/CTS/ProductCategorizationGuide.pdf' target='_blank'>Product and Tax Categorization Guide</a> and the <a href= 'https://wiki-or.metrc.com/item-categorization' target='_blank'>Oregon Metrc Wiki’s Item Categorization page </a> for more information. # Pre-Roll Types *(Hemp Only)* There are two types of hemp pre-rolls: those that are still classified as usable hemp and those that are classified as a hemp cannabinoid product. * Usable hemp pre-rolls are hemp flower and/or leaves rolled in plain paper, optionally with a filter or cone. These types of pre-rolls may be created by a hemp handler, wholesaler, processor, or retailer. * Hemp cannabinoid product pre-rolls are hemp flower and/or leaves combined with one or more of the following: flavored paper, hemp extract, or hemp concentrate (e.g. hemp kief). These types of pre-rolls may only be created by a hemp handlers or a processor with the requisite endorsement. They **may not** be created by producers, wholesalers, or retailers. ## Pre-Roll Types *(Hemp Only)* Metrc functionality includes **two** “each” items for hemp pre-rolls: one for “**plain” (non-infused) hemp pre-rolls (usable hemp with unflavored paper, filter, and/or tip)** and one for **“infused” hemp pre-rolls (usable hemp combined with flavored paper and/or hemp concentrate or extract).** **For plain hemp pre-rolls:** Hemp Handlers, Licensed Recreational Processors, Wholesalers, and Retailers may make non-infused pre-rolls from usable hemp under their license privileges and should use the product category of “Hemp Non-Infused (Plain) Pre-Rolls” in Metrc. Items in this category are created as count-based (“each”) items. When creating the items in Metrc you will be prompted to enter two additional values: • Weight per unit: this is the **full net weight** of the pre-roll and must include the weight of the usable hemp plus the weight of the rolling paper, filter, tip, cone, etc. This is one of the required weights on the label for sale to a consumer. • Weight of usable hemp per unit: In Metrc this field will be called “Unit CBD Content”; **the weight in this field should be the weight of the usable hemp in the pre-roll.** The weight would be the full net weight of the pre-roll minus the weight of the rolling paper, filter, tip, cone, etc. This is the second required weight on the label for sale to a consumer. If you discover that an incorrect THC weight or total weight is entered during item setup, the item should be edited, NOT discontinued. Weight edits will flow to any "child" packages, however, discontinued items require a repack by each facility with packaged inventory! Any package you create of a *non-infused hemp pre-roll item* will appear in Metrc as “each” and the weight per unit and weight of usable hemp per unit created for the item will be associated with the package. For additional assistance, a step-by-step sheet is available for guidance on creating your new <a href= 'https://wiki-or.metrc.com/uploads/noninfused-conversion.pdf' target='_blank'>Non-Infused Pre-Roll</a> inventory item and repackaging it in Metrc. This sheet refers to non-infused marijuana pre-rolls, but the same steps apply to non-infused hemp pre-rolls. **For infused hemp pre-rolls:** Only a Hemp Handler or a Licensed Recreational Processor may make infused hemp pre-rolls. Infused pre-rolls are hemp cannabinoid products and are a combination of usable hemp with one or more items or substances that are not unflavored rolling papers or filters/tips. Examples of infused pre-rolls include but are not limited to: • Usable Hemp rolled in flavored paper; •**“Twax joint”** that combines usable hemp with a hemp extract; • **“Kiefed joint”** that combines usable hemp with hemp kief; and • Pre-roll that includes both hemp kief and hemp oil (extract). Under the product category of **“Hemp Infused Pre-Rolls”** in Metrc, items in this category are created as count-based (“each”) items. When creating the items in Metrc you will be prompted to enter the Unit Weight of the pre-roll, which is the full net weight of the item. This is the weight required to be on the label for sale to a consumer per the <a href= 'https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/viewSingleRule.action?ruleVrsnRsn=246301' target='_blank'>OLCC’s rules on labeling of other cannabinoid products.</a> **For the purposes of infused hemp pre-rolls, the net weight does not include the filter or tip.** Unlike “plain” (non-infused) pre-rolls, infused hemp pre-rolls only require a single net weight of the item on the label. The weight of the usable hemp in an infused hemp pre-roll is not required to be included on the label of an infused hemp pre-roll. Please refer to the OLCC’s <a href= 'https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/CTS/ProductCategorizationGuide.pdf' target='_blank'>Product and Tax Categorization Guide</a> for more information. # Seeds Seeds in Metrc are configured as weight based, unless they are being sold to a retailer, then they are configured as each and sold in a package of not more than ten seeds. # Wiki Feedback If you encounter a technical problem or just want to provide general comments regarding your visit to the Oregon Metrc Wiki, we welcome your <a href="mailto:Marijuana.CTS@olcc.oregon.gov?subject=OLCC Metrc Wiki Feedback">Feedback</a>.