<!-- TITLE: Marijuana Events --> <!-- Subtitle: (Last Updated 05/24/19) --> # Types of Events There are two types of events in which OLCC licensees commonly participate in Oregon: * Cup Competitions, in which licensees enter samples for "best of" awards. With prior approval as a Promotional Event, licensees may have booths with marijuana items **for display only** at Cup Competitions. * Promotional Events, where marijuana items are displayed such as a trade show, county or state fair, etc. **The items displayed are for promotional purposes only and are not for resale.** Promotional events are permitted under OLCC rules with prior approval only. For additional information on Marijuana Events, please view the OLCC's <a href='https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/Bulletins/Compliance_1710.pdf' target='_blank'>Bulletin</a> on Promotional Events. # Cup Competitions Non-retailer licensees may not directly provide samples to competition judges or organizers but may enter samples via a licensed OLCC retailer. Under Oregon law, no consumption is allowed in a public place. Additionally, <a href= 'https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/view.action;JSESSIONID_OARD=douXdL82WQDlNpkKC_gekS_ueOAUAEuLxU9ZMphsDYsnn7vxFDfv!-1969788327?ruleNumber=845-006-0345' target='_blank'>OAR 845-006-03345 (13)</a> specifically outlines the prohibition of marijuana use at any location holding an OLCC liquor license, even if the venue is specifically reserved for a cannabis event. If the location is not licensed to sell liquor, whether it is considered “public” is determined by the local jurisdiction. For more information on what is and is not allowed regarding consumption, see OLCC’s <a href='http://www.oregon.gov/olcc/docs/publications/MJConsumptionGifitingandGiveaways.pdf' target='_blank'>“Consumption, Gifting, and Giveaways”</a> guide. The event as a whole would operate as a “promotional event” in which OLCC licensees with prior approval may participate. ## Tracking Cup Competitions in Metrc Only Retailers can sell or give directly to the public. Producers, Processors, Wholesalers, and Labs cannot sell or gift to non-licensees. The only compliant way for Cup Competition samples to be provided to judges is for the items to be purchased at an OLCC Retailer location. Licensed Producers or Processors may transfer items to an OLCC Retailer within Metrc, and those items can be purchased at cost by a judge or competition organizer for consumption in the judges’ or organizer’s personal residence. The retail store may charge a discounted price for the marijuana items or give it away free if the customer is an OMMP cardholder. Non-retailer licensees may not directly provide samples to competition judges or organizers. Using <a href='https://wiki-or.metrc.com/adjustments'>adjustments</a> within Metrc **is not** a compliant method of entering samples into a Cup Competition. <a href='https://wiki-or.metrc.com/trade-sample-quality-control'>"Quality control"</a> samples **are not** a compliant way to enter samples into a Cup Competition. Quality Control samples are intended for quality improvement of a Producer licensee's product line, not for providing free product to individuals off the licensed premises. # Promotional Events Marijuana items cannot be sold or given away for free, offered as a prize, or raffled at a promotional event. All licensees must submit an application at least 28 days before the event date and must receive approval prior to participation. Applications for promotional events are available on the <a href='http://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Pages/Forms_Publications.aspx#Promotional_Events' target='_blank'>OLCC's website</a>. Only certain amounts of marijuana items may be taken to a promotional event with prior approval. Promotional events must also demonstrate a means to control access of individuals under age 21. The complete rules and requirements for promotional events can be found in <a href='https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/viewSingleRule.action?ruleVrsnRsn=238957' target='_blank'>OAR 845-025-1335</a>. ## Tracking Promotional Events in Metrc All marijuana items are required to be tracked in Metrc while in transit to and while at a promotional event. All Metrc packages being taken to the promotional event must be tracked on a Metrc transfer manifest. Because the promotional event location is by definition an unlicensed location and not in Metrc, these manifests will be "circular"; the participating licensee will be both the sender and receiver of the manifest. Complete the manifest as it would normally be filled out, except: * The address of originating entity and the address of destination should be the same * In the route to be traveled section, indicate the location of the promotional event as a mid‐point of the route, followed by the return route to the address of originating entity * In the date/time of departure section indicate the time leaving the licensed premises to go to the event. In the date/time of arrival section indicate the time when the product returns after the event For example: * Address of originating entity: 9079 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Portland, OR 97222 * Address of destination: 9079 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Portland, OR 97222 * Route to Be Traveled: * North on McLoughlin Blvd to Ross Island Bridge to I‐5 South on‐ramp; take I‐5 south to Exit 256. Travel to Oregon State Fairgrounds, Jackman‐Long Building to participate in Oregon State Fair at Booth XYZ from July 1 to 3. Proceed from Jackman‐Long building to north on I‐5, take Exit 299B, cross Ross Island Bridge, take SE McLoughlin Blvd. to address of destination. * Date & Time of Departure: July 1, 8 AM * Date & Time of Arrival: July 3, 5 PM Upon arrival at the promotional event the manifest must be presented to the event organizer licensee to verify that the manifest accurately reflects the marijuana items transported to the event. The manifest must be posted/present at all times during the event. Detailed instructions for preparing the manifest are available in a <a href='http://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/Promotional_Events/mj_promotionalevents_transportation_manifest_instructions.pdf' target='_blank'>one sheet format</a> for additional reference. # Public Consumption Under Oregon law, no marijuana consumption is allowed in a public place. Any location with an OLCC liquor license would be a public place, even if the venue is specifically reserved for a cannabis event. If the location is not licensed to sell liquor, whether it is considered “public” is determined by the local jurisdiction. For more information on what is and is not allowed regarding consumption, see OLCC’s <a href='http://www.oregon.gov/olcc/docs/publications/MJConsumptionGifitingandGiveaways.pdf' target='_blank'>"Consumption, Gifting, and Giveaways” guide</a>. # Wiki Feedback If you encounter a technical problem or just want to provide general comments regarding your visit to the Oregon Metrc Wiki, we welcome your <a href="mailto:Marijuana.CTS@olcc.oregon.gov?subject=OLCC Metrc Wiki Feedback">Feedback</a>.