<!-- TITLE: Employees In Metrc -->
<!--Subtitle: (Last Updated 01/19/23) -->
# Required List of Employees
**OLCC rules require all current employees of recreational licensees to be entered into Metrc - including temporary or seasonal workers**. Medical Grow sites are only required to have their <a href= 'https://wiki-or.metrc.com/medical-marijuana-gsa'> Grow Site Administrator (GSA)</a> listed in their employee list, but may add other growers at the grow site and allow them access. It is important to note that if a GSA grants access to another grower, the GSA is still ultimately responsibility for the accuracy of the reported activity in Metrc.
**The term “employee” in rule has nothing to do with tax status or whether they receive a W-2 or 1099.** If a licensee pays someone to do any task related to securing, storing, handling, selling, or recording marijuana, that individual is considered an employee.
*Example 1:* A licensee subcontracts with a third-party company that provides trimmers on a seasonal, contract basis. Under OLCC rule these trimmers are employees, must have worker permits, and must be entered into Metrc for the duration of time they work at the licensee’s facility.
*Example 2:* A licensee hires someone to make deliveries on their behalf and pays them on a per delivery basis. Under OLCC rule this individual is also an employee of the licensee. This driver must have a worker permit and must be entered into Metrc.
*Example 3:* A licensee hires a contractor to repair the HVAC system at the licensed premises. This contractor will have no contact with marijuana items and is not a regular employee of the business. This person does not need a workers permit and does not have to be recorded in Metrc, but the licensee must record the contractor’s name, date of birth, and State of Oregon contractor license number (if applicable) in a daily log.
*Example 4:* A licensee subcontracts with a third-party company that provides marketing services under a temporary contract such as advertising, flier dispersal, etc. The representative will not be at the licensed facility and will not have access to Metrc. This person does not need a worker permit and does not need to be setup in Metrc as an employee. If the representative visits the facility, the licensee must record the contractor’s name and date of birth in a daily log.
# Setting Up Employees in Metrc
Most employees working for a recreational facility are also required to have a Marijuana Worker Permit. These employees must be recorded in Metrc with their valid 6-digit worker permit number. Employees who do not need a worker permit, such as growers at a medical grow site, must be entered with their Name and Date of Birth (month and year).
# Worker Permit Requirements
To view information on Worker Permit Requirements please visit the <a href='https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Pages/mjworkerpermit.aspx' target='_blank'>OLCC's Website</a> section on Worker Permits.
# Entering and Maintaining Employees with Worker Permits in Metrc
When adding an employee with a worker permit you must enter in the following information:
* Employee’s worker permit number
* Employee role/occupation
* Email (if granting Metrc access)
* Metrc home screen (if granting Metrc access)
* Metrc permissions (if granting Metrc access)
If granting the employee online Metrc access, this employee’s new username will be their 6-digit worker permit number. *A valid worker permit has 4 numbers and 2 uppercase letters in any order, for example: 1234AB or A12B34.*
Metrc receives data from the OLCC’s Marijuana Worker Permit application system. Entering the worker permit number (“Employee Lic. Number”) will “ping” the application system to verify that there is a valid permit holder with that number. Metrc will then automatically populate the Metrc employee record with the employee’s name, worker permit status, and permit effective/expiration dates.
Inactive worker permits – those that are expired, suspended, or revoked – cannot be added to Metrc. If an active permittee is added to Metrc and the permit later becomes Inactive, that employee will be locked out of his or her Metrc account. The employee will need to be removed from your account. **If they apply for a new worker permit after their permit has expired they will be assigned a new worker permit number and need to be entered as a new employee.**
> Updates to employee information such as e-mail address or employee permissions should be made by going into the employee edit screen and making the changes. There is no need to call technical support for these updates.
> The only exception is to the login e-mail for an Industry Admin which comes over from the OLCC licensing system and would require additional intervention to be changed.
# Removing Employee Access in Metrc
If an Employee's role changes in Metrc, their profile can be edited directly in Metrc by another staff member with the proper permissions. By default, Industry Admins have all permissions enabled, but other employees of a licensed facility may also be given permissions to edit employee information. There are two ways to suspend the access of an employee from a Metrc facility:
* If the employee is on a temporary leave and/or you do not want them accessing the facility in Metrc for a limited duration of time, you can **Lock** the employee (Admin, Employees, select employee then click the lock button). This will keep them associated with the license but will not allow them to edit Metrc information. You can unlock the employee once access should be restored.
* If the employee is no longer working for your facility, you should use the **disable** button to terminate them from your company. This is the icon on the employee screen that looks like a trash can on the right hand side of the screen (if there is more than one facility, you may select the "all" button instead). If an employee is disabled they will no longer appear in the employee list (they will still be listed in the history list for the facility). If a terminated employee is rehired, their information will need to be reentered into Metrc.
# Wiki Feedback
If you encounter a technical problem or just want to provide general comments regarding your visit to the Oregon Metrc Wiki, we welcome your <a href="mailto:Marijuana.CTS@olcc.oregon.gov?subject=OLCC Metrc Wiki Feedback">Feedback</a>.