Medical Marijuana

Resources and tools for medical marijuana growers, processors, and dispensaries (Last Updated 10/23/20)

Medical Marijuana Laws and Rules

All Laws and Rules related to Medical Marijuana can be found on the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) website. These laws also cover the concentration limits for recreational products as well as the testing requirements and rules.

Medical Marijuana Tracking and Reporting Requirements

Information on Medical tracking can be found on OHA's Website for OMMOS tracking and Information on Medical Tracking in Metrc can be found on OLCC's Website.

Medical Grow Site Metrc Start-up

The OLCC Metrc Compliance Team has put together a guide for medical growers with three or more patients at their grow site in setting up their Metrc accounts and bringing in their starting plant inventory from their patients. Please review the guide for assistance in setting up your account and maintaining your data. For further questions or assistance, please contact the CTS compliance team at

Transfers to Medical Grow Sites

All inventory at medical grow sites are associated with specific patients. The grow site does not have its own supply of seeds/clones; it is caretaker of a supply of seeds/clones owned by the specific patient that those plants/seeds/clones are assigned to in Metrc. The inventory of a medical grow site is obtained by a transfer from the patient to the grower using the Personal Agreement Form Transfer of Medical Marijuana Items to Medical Marijuana Patient’s Designated Grower. This patient (consumer) ownership puts limitations on transfers into a grow site.

It is outside of privilege for a recreational producer to transfer product directly to a consumer (patient). This means recreational producers cannot transfer products to medical grow sites. There is an exception in place for recreational producers to be able to transfer to patients and/or medical grow sites in OAR 845-025-2500.

In order for a recreational producer to transfer to a medical patient or medical grow site, the producer must have a medical canopy endorsement. Recreational producers with a medical canopy endorsement may transfer items to patients and medical grow sites. This is the only way for a GSA to obtain plants and seeds directly from a recreational producer.

When a Recreational Marijuana Producer with a Medical Canopy endorsement is sending packages of seeds, immature plants, or usable marijuana (patients only), the transfer is conducted through an external transfer out of the Recreational Producer License to the Medical Patient or Grower card that is receiving the marijuana item(s). For Medical Grow Sites Receiving plants or seeds that are registered in CTS, the grow site will then transfer these items in on an incoming external transfer and assign new package tags to the packages upon receipt of the packages.

There are limits to the amounts of marijuana items that a recreational producer may transfer under this privilege. They can be found in OAR 845-025-2500(11) and OAR 845-025-2550(2)(b)(A-C).

Transfers from Medical Grow Sites

All transfers to and from patients at a medical grow site are done in Metrc through an external transfer. To bring plants into Metrc for a patient a Medical grow site would use the incoming external transfer type "Transfer from Medical Patient", input the patient's Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) Card number and the number of plants they are growing for that patient. To send the usable Marijuana to the medical patient a grower would use the outgoing transfer type "Transfer to Medical Patient", input the patient's OMMP Card number and add the package of flower to the transfer.

Transfers to and from medical grow sites that involve any patient information should be kept anonymous and confidential. For that purpose the names, phone numbers, and planned route should be kept to something generic, with no personal identifiable information appearing on the transfer manifest. This is to protect the patient's privacy as well as the privacy of the medical grow site.

More information is contained in the Transfers Section of this Wiki. For information on the 20lb transfer from medical grow sites in Metrc to the OLCC Recreational market, visit the OLCC's website.

How to Change the Facility Display Name for your Grow Site

The key administrator (GSA) for your facility is able to create nicknames for facilities that will appear in the black dropdown facility box. This nickname feature will only be visible to you and those employees with Metrc access within your facility. This should help employees assigned to multiple grow sites to more easily find the license they are working with. Transfer manifests will continue to show the legal name only.

  • GSA’s can change your facility name by selecting Admin/Facilities from the top navigation menu.
  • Next, highlight the facility you want to rename and click Edit Facilities Name button.
  • Next, type in the alias/nickname you would like to use for this facility in the Custom Name box and click the green Save Names button.

Note: The Legal name box on the right side of the form is populated with the legal name in the State licensing database. If you decide to go back to the legal name at any point, simply click on the “Set as Current” box.

Wiki Feedback

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