<!-- TITLE: Unlocking your Account -->
<!-- SUBTITLE: Guidance to unlock your Metrc Account (Last Updated 05/24/19) -->
# Unlocking your Account
There are several reasons a licensee's account can become locked in Metrc, from entering an incorrect login too many times to serving a suspension for a charged violation. When you are first credentialed into the CTS, Metrc support will send a welcome e-mail with a user specific token link to follow. This link expires after 24 hours so should be activated as soon as possible once received. If you feel your account has been locked in error, please reach out to our <a href = 'https://wiki-or.metrc.com/compliance-contacts#licensing-renewals-inspections-and-investigation-questions'> Licensing Department</a> for additional information on why your account has been flagged.
You can recover a lost username or password from the Metrc log in page by clicking on the appropriate links on the login page:
![Loginpswd](/uploads/tech-support/loginpswd.png "Loginpswd")
If the self-reset option does not work, please reach out to <a href = 'https://wiki-or.metrc.com/compliance-contacts#metrc-contacts'> Metrc Support</a> for guidance.
# Wiki Feedback
If you encounter a technical problem or just want to provide general comments regarding your visit to the Oregon Metrc Wiki, we welcome your <a href="mailto:Marijuana.CTS@olcc.oregon.gov?subject=OLCC Metrc Wiki Feedback">Feedback</a>.