<!-- TITLE: Hemp -->
<!-- SUBTITLE: A quick summary of Hemp (Last Updated 01/30/23) -->
# Hemp in Metrc
In Oregon, hemp is only tracked in Metrc in two circumstances:
* When hemp enters the recreational marijuana market. This includes hemp that is intended for sale at OLCC‐licensed recreational marijuana Retailers as well has hemp that is intended for processing by OLCC-licensed recreational marijuana Processors.
* When a hemp vape product that will be sold in Oregon at a location other than an OLCC-licensed recreational marijuana Retailer is submitted to an OLCC-licensed Laboratory for testing.
All hemp and hemp products entering the OLCC regulated cannabis market are required to be tracked using Metrc. The OLCC has created a <a href= 'https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/CTS/Hemp_Metrc_StartUpGuide.pdf' target="_blank">Metrc Guide for Hemp Certificate Holders</a> and the <a href= 'https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/CTS/Hemp_Metrc_Guide.pdf' target="_blank">Guide for Tracking Hemp for Sale at Recreational Retailer</a> to provide hemp producers, handlers and retailers with information on how to set up a Metrc account, order tracking tags, and create the initial hemp inventory in Metrc. The guide also explains the process for initiating and completing a transfer of hemp or hemp products to an OLCC license.
**Once tracked in Metrc, licensees may not transfer industrial hemp and hemp items outside of the OLCC system, except an OLCC-licensed recreational marijuana processor pursuant to <a href="https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/viewSingleRule.action?ruleVrsnRsn=287903">OAR 845-025-3320</a>.**
# Entering Hemp into Metrc
Any untracked hemp inventory that is intended for transfer to an OLCC licensee is entered into Metrc as an external transfer. External Hemp transfers can be initiated by Industrial Hemp Growers or Handlers with an OLCC Industrial Hemp Certificate. Growers can only transfer in harvested industrial hemp – meaning unprocessed biomass, not including usable hemp (smokable hemp flower). Handlers can transfer in any hemp item (usable hemp, concentrates, extracts, edibles, topicals, and cannabinoid products) in addition to harvested industrial hemp.
The <a href= 'https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/CTS/Hemp_Metrc_StartUpGuide.pdf' target="_blank"> Metrc Guide for Hemp Certificate Holders </a> has detailed information on entering hemp inventory through external transfers.
When a hemp vape product that is not intended for sale in the OLCC-licensed-market is submitted to an OLCC-licensed Laboratory for testing, the Laboratory must enter the sample into Metrc as an external transfer and report the test results on this sample package.
# Transferring Hemp to OLCC Licensees
Prior to being transfered to an OLCC licensee, the industrial hemp or hemp item product must have passed all required compliance tests. This testing must occur after the hemp product has been entered in Metrc. The sampling and all test results must be recorded in Metrc. The required compliance tests for hemp and hemp items being transferred to an OLCC licensee are the same as the required tests for the equivalent marijuana item, except that the hemp or hemp item must also pass a compliance test for potency, regardless of whether that would be required for the equivalent marijuana item.
The latest <a href= 'https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/CTS/SamplingandTestingGuide.pdf' target="_blank"> Sampling and Testing Guide </a> also covers specific guidelines regarding pulling and submitting samples for testing. The <a href= 'https://Wiki-or.metrc.com/lab-testing' target="_blank"> Lab Testing </a> section of the wiki has information about which compliance tests are required for different items depending on their intended use.
There are explicit THC limits for hemp items entering the OLCC recreational marijuana system. These limits are found in <a href= 'https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/view.action?ruleNumber=845-025-2760' target="_blank">OAR 845-025-2760</a>. Both the sender and receiver of hemp packages in Metrc are responsible for confirming the test status and test results input into the CTS on a package before the package is sent and received. In addition to the compliance tests recorded in Metrc, the hemp certificate holder must provide the licensee a copy of any test result conducted on the industrial hemp or hemp item, including results from pre-harvest testing or R&D testing.
OLCC licensed Retailers can only receive hemp items (usable hemp, concentrates, extracts, edibles, topicals, and cannabinoid products). Processors and Wholesalers can receive harvested industrial hemp (raw hemp) as well as hemp items. Before receiving or processing any hemp, a Processor needs to have an Industrial Hemp endorsement; this can be requested with a Change to Processor Endorsements form.
Under Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) regulations, some OLCC licensees who receive hemp items may also need an ODA hemp handler license. An OLCC-licensed Wholesaler needs this license if they handle harvested industrial hemp. An OLCC-licensed Processor needs this license if they handle harvested industrial hemp or process hemp items.
# Additional Resources:
We now have a general email for all OLCC-related hemp questions and issues: <a href="mailto:OLCC.Hemp@olcc.oregon.gov">OLCC Hemp e-mail</a>.
This e-mail should be used for hemp issues that relate to OLCC:
• Hemp control plans for marijuana producers
• Hemp endorsements for marijuana processors
• Hemp certificates for ODA hemp registrants
• Marijuana wholesalers and retailers with questions about handling/selling hemp
• Other inquiries related to selling hemp at OLCC-licensed locations
<a href="//www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Pages/Selling-Hemp.aspx">**Selling Hemp Products in Oregon**</a>. A page on the OLCC website summarizing requirements for selling hemp products in Oregon, both inside and outside the OLCC-licensed marijuana market.
<a href="https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Pages/Hemp-Certificate-Application-Process.aspx">**OLCC Hemp Certificates**</a>. A page on the OLCC website that includes the hemp certificate application, describes the process of applying, and describes how hemp and hemp items can be transferred to OLCC licensees.
<a href= 'https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Documents/Hemp/Hemp-Testing-and-Potency-Guide.pdf'>**Hemp Testing and Potency: Quick Reference Guide**</a>. The Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) and the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) receive numerous questions regarding testing and potency limits for hemp items in Oregon. These requirements depend on who manufactures the hemp item and where the item will be sold. OLCC and ODA have put together a short handout summarizing this information for easy reference.
As a reminder, general questions about the regulation of hemp in Oregon should be directed to the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) hemp program. They are the primary agency regulating hemp in Oregon. The OLCC is primarily involved in situations where the hemp touches the OLCC-regulated system. ODA’s hemp program can be contacted at <a href="mailto:industrial-hemp@oda.state.or.us">ODA Hemp e-mail</a> or 503-986-4652.
# Wiki Feedback
If you encounter a technical problem or just want to provide general comments regarding your visit to the Oregon Metrc Wiki, we welcome your <a href="mailto:Marijuana.CTS@olcc.oregon.gov?subject=OLCC Metrc Wiki Feedback">Feedback</a>.